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 Resin Server | Application Server (Java EE Certified) and Web Server

command-line configuration

While most configuration options have been made available in resin.conf, this section describes some common command-line options.

./configure options

The ./configure; make; make install step is important for all Unix users. It configures and compiles low level JNI code that enables Resin to provide a number of features not normally available to Java programs and also provides significant performance improvements.

The most commonly used options for ./configure are documented below, the full set of available command line options is available by running ./configure --help.

--helpHelp for all ./configure command line options
--enable-64bitCompiles the JNI using 64-bits, requires <jvm-arg>-d64</jvm-arg> entry in resin.conf
--enable-sslEnable OpenSSL, see the OpenSSL documentation for details.
--with-apxs=/path/to/apxsEnable Apache integration and produce mod_caucho

The 64-bit JNI compilation must match the JDK you're using, i.e. you'll need to add a <jvm-arg>-d64</jvm-arg> entry in resin.conf to indicate that the jvm should start in 64-bit mode.

Startup Options

As of Resin 3.1, startup options should be declared in the configuration file. However, some startup options are available via the command line.

Command-line arguments

-conf xxxSelects the Resin configuration fileconf/resin.conf
-server xxxSelects the <server> in the resin.conf""
-verboseShow the Java environment before starting
startStarts Resin as a daemon, starting the watchdog if necessaryn/a
statusShow the status of Resin as a daemon.n/a
stopStops Resin as a daemon by contacting the watchdog.n/a
restartRestarts Resin as a daemon by contacting the watchdog.n/a
killKill Resin as a daemon by contacting the watchdog, a killed process is destroyed and not allowed to clean up or finish pending connections.n/a
shutdownShutdown the watchdog and all of the Resin daemons.n/a
-install(Windows) install Resin as a service (but doesn't automatically start.)n/a
-install-as xxx(Windows) install Resin as a named service (but doesn't automatically start.)n/a
-remove(Windows) install Resin as a service (but doesn't automatically start.)n/a
-remove-as xxx(Windows) remove Resin as a named service (but doesn't automatically start.)n/a
-resin-home xxx Deprecated. Sets the Resin home directory. Use environment variable RESIN_HOME or <jvm-arg>-Dresin.home=xxx</jvm-arg> in resin.conf. The parent directory of resin.jar

JDK arguments

Resin 3.1 has moved all JDK arguments into the resin.conf file, in the <jvm-arg> tag. Because the Resin 3.1 watchdog starts each Resin server instance, it can pass the arguments defined in the configuration file to the JVM. By moving the Java arguments to the configuration file, server configuration is easier and more maintainable.

resin.conf with Java arguments
      <resin xmlns="">
        <cluster id="app-tier">

            <http port="8080"/>

          <server id="a" address="" port="6800"/>


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Cloud-optimized Resin Server is a Java EE certified Java Application Server, and Web Server, and Distributed Cache Server (Memcached).
Leading companies worldwide with demand for reliability and high performance web applications including, CNET, DZone and many more are powered by Resin.

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